Volunteer in Medical Project

Volunteers in medical healthcare projects will assist local doctors and medical staff. You will be assigned work according to your level of experience. Volunteer work in the hospital includes: treating minor injuries, taking BP & weight, record keeping of patients, general medical check-ups of patients, assisting local doctors, and similar responsibilities. You can also choose to work in the administration. You can have a passion for serving the poor to successfully volunteer for the project.

Work & Impacts

Project Skills Required: Volunteers interested to work in the health project should have some level of work experience in the health/medical sector. Only health professionals, medical students, nurses, and volunteers with similar experience are allowed to join the medical project. You must produce a medical certification or an ID card that states that you are a medical student.

(Note: Because of the risks involved, volunteers without medical credentials are not allowed to work in this program.)

Arrangement of room/food/supervision:

PVN-Nepal manages your entire accommodation, food, and supervision during your stay. You will stay either with a host family or in a home base. In the home base, you’ll share the room with other volunteers and use communal toilets. You’ll be served 3 meals a day. Meals in the home base can be local or continental. In the host family, you’ll have a room for yourself and will be served 3 local meals a day. Staying with a host family provides you with a wonderful opportunity for you to experience the Nepali lifestyle. You can even learn to cook Nepali food. Our staff will visit you every two weeks. During the visit, we will check on your progress and make sure you’re satisfied.


  • Chitwan
  • Nawalparasi
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